Hopes vs. Strategy…

| May 11, 2018

Hopes vs. Strategy...

Dreams & Visions…

Every person who starts a business dreams of success.

Dreams of the day when they find freedom, peace of mind, and high cash flow.

We in business all HOPE things will work out, but realize there are many ups and downs with lots of potholes on the road to success.

Hopes vs. Strategy...Hope & Power…

At some point, we realize HOPE is not enough and that real POWER is needed.

The power to get new customers…

The power to keep them coming back…

The power to make money from all that getting and keeping!

Strategic Plans…

At some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, we realize simplistic planning is not enough. We have to dive deeper into the reality of our businesses.

Which is WHY we created MyBizIQ… to walk ordinary people through a powerful process of looking at their businesses from the inside out… to create an actionable plan for each month, quarter and year.

Not an ordinary business plan, a truly strategic plan that helps guide them up the ladder of success…

To turn their businesses into a gold mine.

Look at where you are… see where you want to go…

You can grow faster…

Make more money…

Have more free time…

And make your business a fun place to work.

Take 20 minutes to review your Biz IQ Stress Test and you will know exactly what you need to do differently to gain The Midas Touch!




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Category: Business Growth, Featured

About the Author ()

E. R. Haas is CEO of the TQ Smart family of web sites including ThinkTQ.com, IntentionalExcellence.com, MyBizIQ.com, MyBelieversGuide.com, MarriageWithPurpose.com and hundreds of others.E. R. is a "serial entrepreneur" and has created over 20 different businesses in software, manufacturing, finance, publishing and many other areas.He is married to Jan Haas who shares his interest in model railroading, gardening, and traveling by train. Together, they have 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.

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