The Abundance Habit…

| March 26, 2019

The Time Prism is available FREE on Google Play and Apple Store


The Abundance Habit...

“Whatever we are waiting for —peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

Making Abundance a Habit…

The Abundance Habit...

FACT: A single habit controls everything you will ever be, do, and have in life. Without it, your career will die on the vine. With it, you will prosper. Future wealth depends on today’s habits — believe it!
Now On Sale…

Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on abundance. It is a completely different approach to a concept people want more than anything else.

Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!

Think about your life right now. Are you living in abundance or want?

Think about everyone around you. Does everyone have more than enough, or are they struggling to find direction?

Just stop and think.

The question then becomes, have you made abundance a habit?

This is a very big deal.

A habit, of course, is something you do automatically or instinctively.

Habits are created over time when you are given a Cue… perform an Action… and receive a Reward.

The more consistently you take the action immediately following the cue, the more quickly the habit will take hold.

So, let’s step out of the box a bit. Understanding is key to habituating…

I took a 3-minute stroll down Internet Lane and cobbled together a pretty good explanation of the word…

What is the first thing you think when you hear “abundance?” Money? Love? A large circle of friends and family? While we can apply the concept of abundance to all of those aspects of our lives, the essential meaning of abundance is that you are solidly happy with who you are and no external event or situation—whether good or bad—can add or subtract from that happiness.

No one is happy all the time, but when you are truly in a mindset of abundance, you live with balance, hopefulness, and unlimited possibility.

Our innate nature is one of peace and abundance; it comes from within.

The Take-Away?

Abundance is a way of thinking and of living, even when you have less money, love, or support than you would like.

Life delivers a continually changing set of circumstances.

Living in abundance can give you a constant source of stability that isn’t based on external things, but you must change your perspective and believe in all the potential that lies within your reach.

Abundance is a state of mind. It can’t be lost, taken, or bestowed on you. It is about what brings you joy and fulfillment, not about what you have.

Final Step…

Look at your financial situation right now…

Look at your personal relationships right now…

Look at your career prospects right now…

Look at your retirement prospects right now…

If you are doing great, sitting on top of the world with no money worries, killing it, and creating a legacy worth leaving… GREAT!!!

You are strong enough to face the future and have made abundance a habit.

If you are living paycheck to paycheck… are afraid of what the future might bring… and have learned to settle and struggle rather than step up to success… this is a conversation worth pursuing.

The Abundance Habit and the Excellence Habit are interwoven.

There is no question that developing the Excellence Habit leads to a life filled with proud accomplishments.

Honor, wealth, excellence, high achievement, meaning, and significance are all at the same level.

They are the outcome — the RESULT — of habitually taking the Right Actions… in the Right Way… for the Right Reasons… at the Right Time.

You take the RICHT actions and you get the RIGHT results. Habitually do this, you live a life of excellence and honor, not mediocrity and failure.

As summed up by Aristotle…

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

Sign up for this 100-day Challenge and you will understand the process perfectly!

Is This Master Course For You?

The Abundance Habit...If you have read The Millionaire Mindset…

If you have read The Millionaire Next Door…

If you have read The Millionaire Messenger…

If you have read Rich Dad Poor Dad or any other book on wealth creation, then taking our 100-day Excellence Habit Challenge is success-essential.

It gives you explicit directions on what every self-made millionaire knows.

This exciting program is fully integrated with TQ and Interactive.

If you want to achieve greater success this year, personally and professionally, why not try a different approach?

Click Here to Learn More Now…

Micro Habits work…

Nano Change is good…

Expect Success!

E. R. Haas, CEO

PS If you haven’t installed The Time Prism yet, now would be a great time.


The Abundance Habit...

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The Abundance Habit...The Abundance Habit...

The Time Prism is an App developed and deployed by ThinkTQ and The World Excellence Project.

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About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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