Leadership Is Innovation In Action

| November 26, 2018

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams

Leading Innovation…

Leadership Is Innovation In Action

As part of the launch of our 2019 Midas Touch Bundle we will be talking about big issues, but in a highly condensed format.

Today it is on the connection between leadership and innovation.

If your business is a rising star, you know the power of hyper-fast innovation… and have mastered the leadership skills required for hyper-growth.

If your business is more of a problem child, you will benefit from this thinking.

If your business needs expansion capital, new partners, or external growth money, know that you will be measured by your Leadership Innovation.

Focus on the positive…

Please take a moment to stop the endless chatter around you, especially in your head, and focus your thoughts on the images and words set to music in the above video.

The music is there to set the pace. The images are there to set emotional tone and to flood your subconscious with positive examples to encourage and excite you to action.

The words are there to inspire, inform, remind, reinforce, and trigger an “Aha” moment — a thought laying just below the surface of your too busy mind… going through your too frenzied day.

They are there to encourage you to just STOP and THINK.

Give some thought to how innovative your business actually is.

  • In marketing…
  • In sales…
  • In product development…
  • In recruiting the best people…
  • In building smart teams…

How do YOU see innovation?

Do you believe your leadership is strong enough to take your team where it needs to go?

Do you have a real STRATEGY… or is your business just a tangle of TACTICS you gathered over time?

To make your business into the shining star on the hill takes mental toughness, skill and pure street smarts.

After all, there’s smart business and there’s dumb business.

  • Dumb business is when you work insane hours, always in the catch-up mode.
  • Dumb business is having little control over day to day operations. In other words, the business is controlling you.
  • Dumb business is needlessly losing market share to a competitor for all the wrong reasons.
  • Dumb business is failing to read the market correctly, grow too fast, and greatly exceed your capabilities.
  • Dumb business is when you work IN your business and rarely work ON your business.

Smart business is the polar opposite of dumb!

Smart business is having a constantly-evolving strategy to WIN… not just “hope and work hard”… but to actually PLAN to WIN… then PLAY to WIN.

If you need help, get with the program and join our next MasterMind Session.

E. R. Haas, CEO The TQ Smart Family of Companies

There will be more Millionaires and Billionaires created
this year than at any time in history.

Why not you? Why not now?

Check out our 2019 Midas touch Bundle.

Just $97 brings you a power tool for tremendous success!

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams

Leading Innovation…

Leadership Is Innovation In Action

As part of the launch of our 2019 Midas Touch Bundle we will be talking about big issues, but in a highly condensed format.

Today it is on the connection between leadership and innovation.

If your business is a rising star, you know the power of hyper-fast innovation… and have mastered the leadership skills required for hyper-growth.

If your business is more of a problem child, you will benefit from this thinking.

If your business needs expansion capital, new partners, or external growth money, know that you will be measured by your Leadership Innovation.

Focus on the positive…

Please take a moment to stop the endless chatter around you, especially in your head, and focus your thoughts on the images and words set to music in the above video.

The music is there to set the pace. The images are there to set emotional tone and to flood your subconscious with positive examples to encourage and excite you to action.

The words are there to inspire, inform, remind, reinforce, and trigger an “Aha” moment — a thought laying just below the surface of your too busy mind… going through your too frenzied day.

They are there to encourage you to just STOP and THINK.

Give some thought to how innovative your business actually is.

  • In marketing…
  • In sales…
  • In product development…
  • In recruiting the best people…
  • In building smart teams…

How do YOU see innovation?

Do you believe your leadership is strong enough to take your team where it needs to go?

Do you have a real STRATEGY… or is your business just a tangle of TACTICS you gathered over time?

To make your business into the shining star on the hill takes mental toughness, skill and pure street smarts.

After all, there’s smart business and there’s dumb business.

  • Dumb business is when you work insane hours, always in the catch-up mode.
  • Dumb business is having little control over day to day operations. In other words, the business is controlling you.
  • Dumb business is needlessly losing market share to a competitor for all the wrong reasons.
  • Dumb business is failing to read the market correctly, grow too fast, and greatly exceed your capabilities.
  • Dumb business is when you work IN your business and rarely work ON your business.

Smart business is the polar opposite of dumb!

Smart business is having a constantly-evolving strategy to WIN… not just “hope and work hard”… but to actually PLAN to WIN… then PLAY to WIN.

If you need help, get with the program and join our next MasterMind Session.

E. R. Haas, CEO The TQ Smart Family of Companies

There will be more Millionaires and Billionaires created
this year than at any time in history.

Why not you? Why not now?

Check out our 2019 Midas touch Bundle.

Just $97 brings you a power tool for tremendous success!


Leadership Is Innovation In Action

Click Books To Learn More



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Category: Business Growth, Featured

About the Author ()

E. R. Haas is CEO of the TQ Smart family of web sites including ThinkTQ.com, IntentionalExcellence.com, MyBizIQ.com, MyBelieversGuide.com, MarriageWithPurpose.com and hundreds of others.E. R. is a "serial entrepreneur" and has created over 20 different businesses in software, manufacturing, finance, publishing and many other areas.He is married to Jan Haas who shares his interest in model railroading, gardening, and traveling by train. Together, they have 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.

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