Tag: excellence

Will Artificial Intelligence be Your Friend or Foe?

| February 9, 2019 | 0 Comments
Will Artificial Intelligence be Your Friend or Foe?

Billions Are Being Spent To Make Machines Smarter… But Who’s Going to Make You Smarter Than a Machine?

We have become a “survival of the smartest” global economy where human capital needs to be retooled, reimagined, and reinvented. And we need to do it quickly.

Put simply, we need to make people — not just machines — smarter about what they think and do each day — at work and at home.

To achieve this, The World Excellence Project has developed and deployed a smart new App designed to make you smarter in the moment.

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Excellence Is A Prevailing Attitude

| October 29, 2018
Excellence Is A Prevailing Attitude

General Colin Powell said it best, “Excellence is a prevailing attitude.”

Excellence is about your quality of life… your commitment to being the best you possible… living up to your full potential.

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Don’t Limit Your Challenges… Challenge Your Limits!

| October 6, 2018 | 0 Comments
Don’t Limit Your Challenges… Challenge Your Limits!

Do you know your limits?

Let’s start here.

No one knows their limits until pushed well beyond anything they ever experienced before.

People who thought they couldn’t, could.

People who thought they had reached their limits, hadn’t.

All progress in history is made by people who challenged their limits…

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Excellence is The Wind Beneath Your Wings

| October 1, 2018
Excellence is The Wind Beneath Your Wings

When we started the Excellence Habit Challenge back in January, we knew it would be a big hit.

Take 100 days to get to know your “real self” and inculcate a single habit that will change your life, and the lives of everyone you love.

To become a great deal more successful than you are right now.

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Let our Invisible Billionaire Mentor You to a Fabulous 4th Quarter

| September 17, 2018
Let our Invisible Billionaire Mentor You to a Fabulous 4th Quarter

Yes, you CAN have it all…

Look at the calendar.

Look at your life.

Is this where you thought you would be after 10-20-30 years of hard work?

You dreamed of being rich one day. Are you?

You dreamed you would be happy by now… that you would catch that gold ring and make it yours. Did you?

Interesting questions, aren’t they? Probing. Provocative.
They get to the reality of it, don’t they?

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What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

| September 3, 2018
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS.

As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism:

Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish realistic PLANS to achieve your goals.

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How’s Your Climb to The Top Going?

| August 13, 2018
How’s Your Climb to The Top Going?

The Next Step Upward…

We all have mountains to climb, some tall, some scary.

The great news is that as we approach the summit of one, we see others off in the distance.

So, we set our sights upward, towards bigger, better and bolder goals.

If you want to make the ascent to the top of your career… the top financially… the top personally and professionally…

why not get a little help to make the climb easier and a great deal more enjoyable?

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Achievement Takes Commitment.

| August 4, 2018
Achievement Takes Commitment.

Last week we discussed how to turn ever-present opportunities into tangible results.

This week we are going to discuss achieving greater results—in every area of your life.

From now until the end of the year we will be focusing on increasing your POWER to SET and ACHIEVE tremendously BRILLIANT goals for yourself—both personally and professionally.

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How to Turn Your Natural Creativity into Something Wonderful…

| July 30, 2018
How to Turn Your Natural Creativity into Something Wonderful…

Without question, your natural creativity is your MOST important asset and is responsible for everything good in your life.

The simple fact is, everyone, is NATURALLY CREATIVE… but most people (over 90%) are not using their most basic gifts and talents…

So they unwittingly work AGAINST themselves rather than put their innate creativity to work FOR them.

People have the wrong impression on what it means to be creative.

People think it is others who are naturally creative and don’t realize they too have an inner-creative genius driving their imagination.

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What does it take to win? Attitude!

| July 16, 2018
What does it take to win? Attitude!

For the last month, we have been talking about very broad topics: Hope… Freedom… Purpose… Values… Success (and what it takes to ACHIEVE it… and be HAPPY along the way.)

No doubt, we have asked — and answered — the questions that lead to a life of passion, purpose, and significance.

This week, we will narrow our focus to you personally, and what it takes to WIN at what you do.

No “top of the funnel” thinking here… just real CLEAR advice on what it takes to unleash the winner within you.

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A Passion For Service…

| July 9, 2018 | 0 Comments
A Passion For Service…

Passion in Business is a Big Deal…
Maybe the biggest deal of all.

If you are not good at what you do, you will not succeed.

Equally, if you are good but not truly passionate, you will not succeed.

It is one of those universal laws of business.

If your business does not have a splendid sense of passion, purpose, and mission — the kind of passion that makes you want to get up early and stay up late — you will certainly have problems!

When you have an unstoppable sense of MISSION and PURPOSE, all the other things you must do to run a highly successful business makes sense.

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These 3 Dragons Cause You Heartbreak Beyond Imagination…

| June 25, 2018
These 3 Dragons Cause You Heartbreak Beyond Imagination…

All you need to do is armor up, step up, and slay them.

Which, of course, is much easier said than done!

When we were crafting The Excellence Habit, it became obvious to us that there are powerful inward forces holding people back from high achievement.

Huge, scary, fire-breathing dragons that cause us to shrink from the fray, run and hide while we wait until the time is just right to pursue our goals.

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Success Is Like An Iceberg

| June 18, 2018
Success Is Like An Iceberg

Success is determined by what we cannot see…

It’s now summer!

A perfect time to think about the cold embrace of the sea.

Today, let’s take a look at success from a different perspective.

What lies beneath the tip of an iceberg…

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More of What You Want…

| May 29, 2018 | 0 Comments
More of What You Want…

When we go into business for the first time, everything seems so easy.

Put out the sign, wait for customers, offer great products and services… retire rich!

If only!

Having built over 20 businesses and counting, I can attest to the fact that being in business has substantial rewards… but real risks and costs… personally and to your family.

Today I want to address a single word: MORE!

More money…

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There is a problem in every opportunity and an opportunity in every problem.

| April 2, 2018
There is a problem in every opportunity and an opportunity in every problem.

Nothing will torpedo your chance at success faster than a poor attitude.

You can have clear and tangible goals, with the best-laid plans in the world, but if you poison the well from which opportunity springs, you’ve just killed your future.

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You will never excel until you connect your actions to something you truly value.

| March 26, 2018
You will never excel until you connect your actions to something you truly value.

This week, we will be getting VERY personal… asking the truly IMPORTANT questions:

Are you actually LIVING what you say you value, or are you consumed by the moment…
with no forward movement in the direction of your dreams?

The importance of knowing what you value more than something else is critical to your day-to-day performance.

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New Ideas Matter — Even MORE Than You Think…

| March 5, 2018
New Ideas Matter — Even MORE Than You Think…

Ultimately, the Excellence Habit is all about the inculcation of great ideas…

POSITIVE IDEAS that shape your performance.

To succeed, you MUST have a constant flow of great ideas… a reservoir to depend on for true innovation.

For inspiration.

To motivate you to take bold action.

When we run out of ideas, we run out of hope.

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Oscar Worthy Performance…

| February 26, 2018
Oscar Worthy Performance…

Regardless the controversy about who should and shouldn’t be nominated for high recognition, the fact remains…

EVERY contender is both a winner and a Time Management EXPERT!

The reality is, 95% of all success is simply showing up… on time and ready to perform.

Ready for the opportunities that naturally come your way.

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The Will to Win, The Desire to Succeed…

| February 19, 2018
The Will to Win, The Desire to Succeed…

Have you been working harder and harder and still haven’t achieved the success you desire?

Would you like to know WHY?

Factually, scientifically, precisely?

If you’re like the vast majority of our customers, you have read all the books… listened to the tapes… attended the seminars…

BUT… there’s still a barrier between where you are now, and where you want to go.

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A Long Journey to Vision

| January 29, 2018 | 0 Comments
A Long Journey to Vision

A Life is a Terrible Thing To Waste…

It is also a wonderful thing to embrace!

Most people go through their lives with a deep case of Success Myopia… they have no vision beyond the obviousness of their lives.

They fail to see the ever-present opportunities, the signs pointing to a better life, and the big milestones in their lives.

Without vision you WILL perish. Your dreams die, your hopes fade, and you find yourself in a thorny field of deep regrets.

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