Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

| March 27, 2020

For the Quick Big Picture (QBP) listen to Leah, scan this page, and start immediately.

If you are an Association, Chamber, or represent businesses call us to schedule a virtual (Free) or live meeting for your members. It will give them HOPE plus specific, actionable ideas to get back on track as fast as possible.

If you are a consultant, coach, or mentor you will want to use these mission-critical tools with your clients.

This page contains a tremendous amount of information. All is simple to understand for
people who are serious about turning their businesses into a Gold Mine.

In fact, it is roughly equivalent to receiving an MBA in business strategy — in minutes not years!

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

Click Button — We Make it EASY to Collaborate, Virtually or Live!


Problem: After the crisis, every business will become a startup.

Solution: Strategically Plan to WIN… then Play to WIN.

Action: Consider our guidance and get with the program.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis



Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

To help every business in America survive this crisis we just reduced the price of our $600 Biz IQ Strategic Planning Software to just $97, including a one-on-one personal consultation. Order MyQuickStrat™ now and in 15 minutes you will have a clear strategy to GROW faster and MAKE a great deal more MONEY.

1) Order Risk-Free…

2) Complete Your BizIQ Profile…

3) Print Strategy ~ Take Action!

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

It’s not that times are changing. It’s that times have changed.

Every business in America is at risk of this Extinction Level Event (ELE). The cost of failure is unthinkable and the opportunity to succeed is equally unimaginable.

Our conservative estimate is that 1/3 of the businesses that entered this crisis will struggle, scrape by, and not survive the fallout ahead. About 10% will be huge winners. (This is a sad truth supported by 50 years of hard data below.)

If you are worried about making payroll…

If you are worried about your people…

If you are worried about increasing sales…

If you are worried about keeping old customers returning…

If you are worried about making money…

You need a strategy to replace worry with positive action

The reality is that as our economy reboots, the only question is who will get the business?

This will be the most hyper-competitive, unforgiving, and relentless business climate we have ever seen.

Yet, still…

Somebody will rapidly increase sales and market share. Why not you?

Somebody will quickly grow to meet pent-up demand. Will it be you?

Somebody will turn their business into a true Gold Mine. Why not you?

Now is the time to get ahead of the curve and start thinking about how to put your business back on a high-growth, high-profit trajectory.

The single biggest mistake you can make right now is trying to grow without an overarching strategy to guide your decisions. Just throwing a bunch of well-meaning tactics at the problem is certain death in what will become the most hyper-competitive period in recent human development.

The old adage is true: Fail to plan… plan to fail.

As a successful Serial Entrepreneur, my advice is to plan as if your life depends on it… because it does.

Otherwise, you have what I call a ZOMBIE business where you are dead and don’t even know it. (I have invested in a couple of these and only wish it was “The night of the living dead” not the 3-year descent into the bowels of hades itself where we were stripped of all hope:) But, as Nietzsche opined, “What doesn’t kill you does make you stronger.”

No question, without a living strategic plan, you are just stepping over dollars to pick up dimes.

I have seen this many, times and the reality is, there is HOPE and there will be more opportunity as a result of this shake-out than at any time in history.

Leaders that see the dollars and forget the dimes will be the winner as we reboot our economy.

No question, more millionaires and billionaires will still be minted this year than ever before.

You can be one of them IF you have the right tools to grow fast and grow smart.

This war will be won by those with a good understanding of where they have been, accounting for decisions already made, but more importantly, tools that are predictive and intuitive in nature that point you forward in time.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

To help America survive this business reboot, we have reduced MyQuickStrat from $499 to just $97 through August 31st. It even includes a one-on-one strategy consultation with an advisor capable of answering any questions you might have. This is a risk-free opportunity. If we don’t help you thrive we don’t expect to be paid.

Sure, you probably use Quickbooks or some other accounting software. They are good at telling you what HAPPENED. They are your rearview mirror. Today, you need a GPS to show you exactly where to go and what to do once you get there.

Yes, to turn your business into a gold mine takes a unified strategy and street smarts… to know what to MAKE HAPPEN once we survive this crisis.

Smart business is having a constantly-evolving strategy to WIN… not just to hope, pray, and work hard… but to actually PLAN to WIN… and PLAY to WIN. Strategic Mental Toughness is what gives you the EDGE over your competitors.

In good times, business is challenging. Today, only the strong will survive.

Business Reboot and Growth After The CrisisYears ago, GE paid the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) mega-bucks to better understand how to make more money from all the business segments they were operating in. They wanted a definitive answer to the question, “Where should we invest time, capital, and resources to get a maximum return?”

BCG came up with a simple way to look at all businesses and determine where to invest precious time and capital.

There are just 4 stages on the grid:

  1. RISING STARS: Here is where you want to spend all your time and cash creating high growth opportunities.
  2. QUESTION MARKS (AKA The Problem Child): Here you must decide if you can get your business to rising star status or milk it.
  3. CASH COWS: The only strategy is to milk your business and invest in rising stars.
  4. DOGS with fleas: Your best strategy is to GET OUT as fast as possible. Unless you want to run a dog kennel and treat for a flea infestation, it is never a good idea to stay with the dogs.

Look at the Grid and answer honestly, “Is my business a rising STAR… a Cash Cow… a Problem Child… or do I have a DOG with fleas on my hands?”

As you can imagine, the strategies for growth and profit-taking are completely different depending on which quadrant a business is in. Hence the need for a living strategy to turn Question Marks/Problem Children into Rising Stars.

To help every business in America get back on top — to become a Rising Star — we are making our MyQuickstrat, Golden Game of Business software available at the lowest price ever — including a one-on-one strategy consulting session (a $600 value). If you are serious about ensuring that your business not only survives but thrives, take me up on my unconditional 1-year, success or your money-back guarantee.

This is like hiring a Harvard MBA to work for you at 15 Cents an hour!

The post-crisis economy will be unlike anything we have ever seen. Our job is to help you SEE and SEIZE those opportunities faster than ever before. To help you see what this is all about scroll through the presentation below and call us to answer any questions you might have. ~ E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur, Author (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)

Get MyQuickStrat Now →


Please Let Us Personally Walk You Through
The 45 Minute PowerPoint You See Below…


We Do Live Events & Virtual Workshops for Groups of Businesses
Who Are Serious About Maximizing Growth & Profitability.


These meetings are Success-Critical coming out of the COVID19 crisis.  We are happy to help your group, providing our schedule permits.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis
Where Others Offer Hype, Motivation, and Inspiration…


We Provide the Missing Element to Business Transformation…

Excitement, Inspiration, and Most Importantly, A Proven METHODOLOGY plus the TOOLS  for Greater Results.

Contact Us To Discuss How We Can Give Your Members
the Business Savvy of a Harvard MBA In Minutes Not Years!


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Click Button — We Make it EASY to Collaborate, Virtually or Live!

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis



Presentation: The Hard Way or the Easy Way…

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

Every action movie contains a scene where the hero gives the bad guy a choice…

Or, as Clint Eastwood would ask, “The easy way or the hard way, punk?”

Of course, it wouldn’t make much of a movie if the bad guy chose to do things easy… they always choose the hard way to build pain and drama.

Business Reboot and Growth After The CrisisIf you are growing a business, why not avoid the pain and drama?!

Why let your business go downhill when you have tools and tech available to you that can help turn your business into the Gold Mine you always dreamed about?

The truth is, there is a hard way to build a company and there’s an easy way to do it. The hard way is what most people choose, relying on experience and trial and error — which is WHY over 50% of all businesses fail within 36-48 months.

The easy way is to invest a few minutes a week in actual strategic planning — not general business planning which is, for the most part, useless.

Once you determine what you are going to make happen you can move forward toward the goal.

Until then, you become overwhelmed, locked on the horns of a dilemma.

A simple strategy, executed well is the key to growing the next Apple, Whole Foods, Nike… even the next hot new restaurant, cycle shop, or salon.

We make strategy push-button easy.

You answer a few deeply engaging questions, tell us what your objectives are, and we give you the answer to the question, “What should we do next?”

To help all businesses take a deep-dive into the forces actually driving their profitability we are making our world-class Biz IQ Stress Test available without the required purchase.

This is for people SERIOUS about business success. In 20 minutes you will know more about your business than you will in 20 years of dancing around the issues. (Limited Time Only.)

You become more adaptable, resilient, and competitive. Being more innovative you earn greater market share and make more money.


Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

Your Choice: Minutes vs. Years…

MyBizIQ is like gaining the operational savvy of a Harvard MBA in 60 minutes… not 6 years and $500,000!

Your Stress Test takes about an hour. Simple questions but profoundly predictive.

The personalized results will take you 2-3 hours to fully absorb. We have distilled the complexity of business success into a simple to understand package that guides your thinking at every step.

Then, each week you return to your personal strategy page and review your actions, decisions, and your NEXT focus.

The result is that you know exactly what you must do NEXT.

This is not abstract long term planning. It is powerful planning made simple and the results are astonishing!

Smarter Business begins with looking at all your options, choices, opportunities, and challenges then deciding What’s Important NOW and What’s Important NEXT.


Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

It means thinking WIN-WIN at all times…

What’s Important Now? What’s Important Next?

By thinking WIN-WIN you are always one step ahead of the game… one step ahead of the competition… one step closer to the results you want.

Yes, you need accounting software. But you can’t stop there.


Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

They are a rearview MIRROR reflecting where you’ve been.

  • MyQuickStrat™ provides the all-important future VISION that guides creative success.
  • MyQuickStrat™ contains an infinite source of ideas for action you could never come up with on your own…
  • All organized for quick access…
  • All woven into a simple to use TOOL that instantly creates a living strategic plan for the weeks and months ahead.
  • Without question, MyQuickStrat™ is the fastest and easiest way to move to Stage-4 business success as it is the only tool that guides you, step-by-step, through the millions of things you could do… to find that single Midas Moment… the ONE thing you must do.

The result is that YOU now are in control of your business, not the other way around. Just by taking 10-15 minutes each week you will gain clarity of purpose and highly focused action… the key to entrepreneurial success!

In Reality…

When you zoom way out, business is actually pretty simple. The purpose of your business is to:

  1. GET Customers.
  2. KEEP Customers.
  3. MAKE Money.

Where it all gets tricky is that there are millions of things you can do to GET new customers…

There are millions of things you can do to KEEP your best customers returning…

There are millions of things you can do to MAKE a profit from all that GETTING and KEEPING.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis


Consider a product you might have in your refrigerator: Silk.

My business partner did the marketing work and packaging for Steve Demos, Founder of WhiteWave.

His mission was to “Increase the amount of SOY in the American diet.” He struggled for years trying to sell “cardboard burgers” and TOFU. Was on the verge of bankruptcy more times than we could count.

It was WhiteWave’s innovation and superior marketing that took them from small-time to big-time, where today it is a public company with revenue north of $ 4 Billion and a market cap today of $1.4 Billion.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

If you are SMART, you find innovative new ways to serve your customers, keeping them returning year after year, and have an economic structure where your INCOME vastly outweighs your EXPENSES. Just like NIKE…

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

From selling shoes out of an old Plymouth van to dominating the sports world is proof of the possible. You have a good idea… get it in front of customers… keep them wanting more… and inspire your team to make money…

The very definition of WINNER!

The Alternative: You Work Your Heart Out and Go Bust…

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis



The chart above paints a clear picture.

Over the long haul, businesses fail at a highly predictable rate. This chart was prepared by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and is composed of MILLIONS of successful and failed businesses.

Amazingly, regardless of when a business gave birth, HALF will be gone in 36-48 months… and a staggering 70-80% never make it to their 10th birthday.

So, what is the difference between a business that makes it big and one that dies on the vine? Again, these numbers have changed little over the years.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

To be clear, the top 5 reasons for failure, all of which are in your control, are simple to understand:

  1. Bad idea! You thought there was a need for your product or service but there wasn’t.
  2. Poor cash management. Your way to GET new customers costs too much… your methods of KEEPING customers are not effective… and your income never eclipsed your costs. You failed to MAKE money so it is game over.
  3. Ineffective team. You could have a great idea with plenty of cash, but you are not capable of creating a TEAM to compete effectively.
  4. Get Outcompeted. Great ideas are a dime a dozen. What matters is your ability to out-perform… out-produce… and out-compete both your direct and indirect competition. Do this well, you make money, build market share, and WIN. Don’t and you die.
  5. PVR. Your price to value ratio (PVR) sucks so you become the high-cost low-value provider forcing you out of business faster than the other 4 reasons combined.

The next 5 reasons for failure all stem from a single word: INNOVATION.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

Product/service development… marketing and sales management… customer retention and expansion… and profitability all comes down to how fast and how well you INNOVATE.

In looking at thousands of MyBizIQ Stress Tests it is obvious that a lack of imagination, innovation, and the lack of focus on creative marketing causes businesses to sink like a stone rather than swim with the sharks!


What Is MyQuickStrat, Exactly?

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

MyQuickStrat™ is a simple web-tool that creates living, breathing, actionable strategies in seconds — not days, weeks, or months.

MyQuickStrat™ guides future action. It is not a rearview mirror looking back, it is a powerful tool that focuses your attention on a series of small strategic actions that result in tremendous success over time.

MyQuickStrat™ will help you grow faster, make more money and have more fun. It is designed as the fast-easy way to do complex strategic plans in seconds, not weeks.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

MyQuickStrat™ replaces expensive consultants and advisors, giving you the power to create a list of success-critical action-items at the touch of a button. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually — in minutes.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

There are quite literally tens of thousands of things you CAN do to turn your business into a gold mine. But you need a SIMPLE way to sort through the clutter, make the smart choices, and take even smarter action.

MyQuickStrat™ is the perfect complement to Quickbooks, ZOHO, NetSuite, etc. as we not only tell you WHAT to do… we explicitly tell you HOW to do it and WHY! It’s what Malcolm Forbes would have called the ultimate “Capitalist Tool”!

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

The first step is to look at your business as the sum of its functions by taking our Small Business Stress Test. We take a holistic approach by dividing your business into 10 success-critical functions so we can see where you actually need help.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

In 15 minutes you will know exactly what you must do differently to GET new customers, KEEP them returning and MAKE more money.

If you are serious about owning a successful business, maybe even a true Gold Mine, this is your fastest and easiest way forward.

You may take the BizIQ Stress Test at no cost. This will walk you through the 10 prime functions of successful businesses and give you a quick review of what areas are doing fine, and which require immediate attention.

The Key Word For 2020: CRISIS

Just look at the crosscurrents of a constantly changing business landscape: COVID19, China trade issues… ruthless competition… lack of quality and quantity of new hires… tough new business regulations… the list is endless.

And what you can do to tame this volatility and chaos is equally endless:

Faster new product development and innovation…

Smarter marketing…

More effective customer creation and retention…

Better financial controls…

Better operations management…

Better admin management…

More responsive actions to local business conditions.

Yes, you have thousands of choices — some good — some bad — some just ineffective — so you must choose wisely! Which is what strategy is all about.

In reality, you only have 3 choices…

  1. Do it yourself if you already know how…
  2. Learn how to do it if you don’t know how…
  3. Hire someone who knows how to do it (by far your best choice)

In this economy, you simply cannot do it all yourself.

In this economy, you do not have the time to go back to school and learn how to do things others are already trained to do it for you.

In this economy, the best choice is always to get the help you need in the shortest time possible to make your business the success you hope it can be.

This is the way the smartest, most successful companies in the world do it.

To join the ranks of long-term successes like Apple, Amazon, Dell, Whole Foods, and a million small businesses who play the game of business to WIN, you must reenergize, reorganize, and reinvent your business — continuously.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

It means thinking strategically and acting tactically.

Chaos will reign this year — get used to it…

Volatility is the new norm — complaining about it is counterproductive…

Business conditions will be good and bad… sometimes in the same month…

It is up to you to navigate these conditions and WIN. Proof?

This Gallery depicts businesses that all started with no more than an idea, little cash, but still turned into a Goldmine… after facing more than their fair share of heartbreaks and tough times.

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis
Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis


There will be more Millionaires and Billionaires created
this year than at any time in history.

Why not you?

Check out our Midas touch Bundle.

This is a lot like gaining a Harvard MBA for only $97 Bucks!


Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

Business Reboot and Growth After The Crisis

Click To Order Now…

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About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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