Success at the Speed of Thought…
“We Become What We Think About. Our entire lives are guided by our minds. The thoughts we allow into our brains everyday shape our lives, and determine our future.” ~ Earl nightingale
Unlock Your Inner-Genius…

To get ahead in this world requires resilience, passion, and street-smarts.
Especially the ability to make smarter choices and take smarter actions more frequently.
The good news is that this is easier to do than you might think.
If you want to amp up your success potential, try our fully integrated, systematic, approach to higher achievement… regardless of your starting point.
Success is about producing tremendously rewarding results through the power of creativity, faith, and perseverance.
Or, in a word TQ, your Time Quotient.
We know your time is valuable so here is our story in less than 30 seconds!
There is a simple premise upon which all TQ products are based:
- People who frequently STOP, take a BREATH and THINK become smarter about WHO they are, WHAT they do and HOW they do things.
- Smarter people with better IDEAS produce greater RESULTS — because they have mastered their 4 R’s: Doing the RIGHT Things, the RIGHT way, for the RIGHT Reasons, at the RIGHT Time.
- Consistently produce greater RESULTS and you achieve true SUCCESS, financial independence, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have done the best that is within you.
Yes, it all starts by unlocking your Inner-Genius!
Just by taking a few seconds to STOP >> BREATHE >> THINK!
It doesn’t matter what you call it…
This is obvious on the surface. Smarter people get ahead faster than people who just continue to work harder and harder with little to show for their efforts.
The question becomes, HOW?
How do you change the harder and harder mindset for smarter and smarter?
First, Make Success a HABIT…
Reminders, encouragement and reinforcement are the key to building successful habits.
We automated the process for you! If you haven’t yet, Download The Time Prism on your smartphone or tablet and engage with it each day.
It is the source of a constant flood of great ideas and true “Aha” moments… 5,000 years of the smartest ideas from the most influential minds in history reminds, reinforces, and helps you reinvent your life each day. Simply click the screen shot to the right to get it now for FREE >>>
This is the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember, and master the success-critical skills you need to achieve more and get ahead faster.
Did I mention that it is free of cost… free of distracting ads… and free to share with everyone on your team? Be smart, get it now.
Then Make Success Repeatable…
Put yourself to the TEST.
Take your TQ Test to discover exactly what’s holding you back from achieving up to your full potential.
Once you can actually SEE your strengths and limitations in the bright light of day, you can make the changes necessary to rapidly grow — personally and professionally.
Finally, Unleash Your Inner-Winner…
Amplify your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses and you release your full success potential.
You become what the dictionary describes as BRILLIANT…
“CLEVER: Intelligent, bright, smart, astute, sharp, quick-witted, shrewd; talented, gifted, brilliant, capable, able, competent, apt; educated, learned, knowledgeable, wise; informal brainy, clueful, savvy, ingenious, canny, cunning, crafty, artful, slick, neat, witty, amusing, humorous, funny.”
Don’t Take My Word For It…
Try it yourself.
The world has become hyper-competitive, yet is creating more opportunity than ever before.
When you develop the skills necessary to see and seize opportunity you get ahead faster.
You don’t have to work harder and harder to get ahead.
You do need to work a great deal smarter to achieve your most treasured dreams and goals!
We have made getting started pushbutton simple and at just $35 bucks affordable for everyone. If you ordered your personal book a few years ago, update it to see how much you changed. If you never received this eye-opening experience, this is the best time to get going and start growing…
Immediately Download your personal book + 12 CDs and you will understand why!
If you have read The Millionaire Mindset…
If you have read The Millionaire Next Door…
If you have read The Millionaire Messenger…
If you have read Rich Dad Poor Dad or any other book on wealth creation, then this package is essential to your continued success.
If you want to achieve greater success, personally and professionally, why not try a different approach?
My approach is 100% guaranteed so there is no reason for you to even hesitate.
Expect Success!
E. R. Haas, CEO
PS If you haven’t installed The Time Prism yet, now would be a great time.
Category: Featured, Personal Growth