Tag: success
Fairness Is Your Super-Power

We all want to get ahead.
That is a given.
We also want to get ahead on a playing field that is inherently just and fair.
Hence our continued struggle to field our dreams against the backdrop of an inherently unjust and unfair world.
Authenticity: Know Yourself First…

When we created Success on Purpose the idea of Natural Mission and Authentic Direction in life was a big question mark.
We see the finding authenticity to be a connection issue.
Connection with your VALUES…
Connection with your VISION…
Connection with your ROLES…
If you live your values while pursuing your visions in all the various areas of your life, you have Authentic Direction.
If you live someone else’s vision… or someone else’s values… you will certainly have problems in finding Authentic Roles.
Leadership Thoughts…

Leadership can be hard to define and it means different things to different people.
In the transformational leadership model, leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward.
To do this they create an inspiring vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision.
Excellence Is A Prevailing Attitude

General Colin Powell said it best, “Excellence is a prevailing attitude.”
Excellence is about your quality of life… your commitment to being the best you possible… living up to your full potential.
Commitment: The Power of Greatness Within

We all know that to achieve extraordinary results we must be absolutely committed to both, the big WHY behind our actions as well as the expected RESULTS.
Commitment is one of those giant words we see as instrumental to the pursuit of both success and happiness.
It is very much a “believing is seeing” issue.
In TQ-speak, commitment is the 5th C in the 6 C’s of success as found in Success On Purpose:
Clarity of VALUES leads to clarity of VISION…
Clarity of VISION leads to clarity of ROLES…
Clarity of ROLES leads to the absolute CONVICTION that what you are about to do is the RIGHT thing to be doing…
Which leads to the unconditional COMMITMENT to doing whatever is required to achieve the vision…
I Am Grateful…

Three Little Words That Change Everything…
I Am Grateful!
I Appreciate You!
I Love You!
We could go on with word selections, but you get the idea.
Gratitude is a force of nature, woven into our humanity, and when employed, we see magic… miracles… maybe even transformation.
In Search of Honor…

What does the word HONOR mean to you?
Most people think of honor in the same light as respect.
But for most of us, the word has a much deeper meaning, especially if you served in the military.
Take a couple of minutes to focus your attention on the above video.
THINK about the word in context to the ever-changing story of your life.
Smarten Up… Toughen Up… Play to WIN

Focus… Focus… Focus…
An amazing thing happens to people.
When you stop to THINK, great things happen!
Which, of course, is the whole point of The Time Prism… a tool that simply asks you to Turn On… Tune In… and Turn Up your performance.
By getting you to stop for a moment… take a breath… and THINK!
Lose Weight ~ Gain Success

Fitness Matters…
When we created the Time Prism we spent a great deal of time deciding the order of the 10 colors.
Some felt that Mission or Attitude needed to be the first color because everyone knows, “attitude is everything!”
Others thought that having real goals, in writing with hard-target deadlines was most important.
And others still felt team building skills, organization and time management should be numero uno!
Live for the Moment, Plan for the Future…

There is a simple program that will make a huge difference to your life.
It is best described as “Instant Illumination.”
Where once you were living in a haze, you can now see what you must do differently to attain what you want most:
financial independence… a better career… or even more time for yourself and your loved ones.
The Opportunity to Believe

“Authenticity is everything! You have to wake up every day and look in the mirror, and you want to be proud of the person who’s looking back at you. And you can only do that if you’re being honest with yourself and being a person of high character. You have an opportunity every single […]
Excellence is The Wind Beneath Your Wings

When we started the Excellence Habit Challenge back in January, we knew it would be a big hit.
Take 100 days to get to know your “real self” and inculcate a single habit that will change your life, and the lives of everyone you love.
To become a great deal more successful than you are right now.
The Courage to Make Peace With The Past

Most of us will also have a future beyond today!
What limits our future is not just up to you, it’s up to your past and how you perceive it.
Past mistakes…
Past hurts…
Past failures…
You have heard this a million times, when you limit your future by living in the past, nothing good can come from it.
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS.
As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism:
Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish realistic PLANS to achieve your goals.
Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

Last week, we talked about AMBITION:
The eager or strong desire to achieve something.
This week, we will talk about Expectations — what you EXPECT to see happen vs. what you HOPE will happen over the course of time.
How’s Your Climb to The Top Going?

The Next Step Upward…
We all have mountains to climb, some tall, some scary.
The great news is that as we approach the summit of one, we see others off in the distance.
So, we set our sights upward, towards bigger, better and bolder goals.
If you want to make the ascent to the top of your career… the top financially… the top personally and professionally…
why not get a little help to make the climb easier and a great deal more enjoyable?
Are You Guilty of Burning Money?

“I’m always amazed at how many people assume a business has to lose money before it makes money.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki A Different Way of Looking at Your Burn Rate… There are a number of ways of looking at your business… A business dedicated to making people happy — raving fans actually… While making money […]
Achievement Takes Commitment.

Last week we discussed how to turn ever-present opportunities into tangible results.
This week we are going to discuss achieving greater results—in every area of your life.
From now until the end of the year we will be focusing on increasing your POWER to SET and ACHIEVE tremendously BRILLIANT goals for yourself—both personally and professionally.
Change Management is a Myth…

The concept of Change Management has been around for years.
Countless books have been written on the subject and an entire industry of management consultants have prospered under the prospect of advising businesses on how to manage change.
The story is always the same…
The only constant is change…
In a changing world, it comes down to the quick and the dead…
Let our Invisible Billionaire Mentor You to a Fabulous 4th Quarter
Yes, you CAN have it all…
Look at the calendar.
Look at your life.
Is this where you thought you would be after 10-20-30 years of hard work?
You dreamed of being rich one day. Are you?
You dreamed you would be happy by now… that you would catch that gold ring and make it yours. Did you?
Interesting questions, aren’t they? Probing. Provocative.
They get to the reality of it, don’t they?
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